New Hampshire’s Family Mental Health Resource
Improving the mental and behavioral health of Granite State children, youth and their families through a network of resources and support.

About CSoC
The NH Children’s System of Care (CSoC) was formed to improve the lives of children and youth in the Granite State by guiding families and professionals through a network of resources and assistance while building awareness and political support among state leadership. With an approach that is culturally and linguistically competent and trauma-informed, CSoC strives to create a network of individuals and agencies that can share ideas and information in a coordinated, community-driven fashion that addresses the real needs of youth and families across the state of New Hampshire.
Magnify Voices Expressive Art Contest
The Magnify Voices Expressive Arts Contest began in 2019 by the NH CBHC Communications Committee in honor of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month with the goal of highlighting the inadequacies in the system that serves youth and family in NH. As part of a broader national effort, Magnify Voices recognizes and celebrates the creativity of youth in order to demonstrate the vital importance of positive mental health for a child’s healthy development.
NH Children's Behavioral Health Resource Center
The Children’s Behavioral Health (CBH) Resource Center is a product of the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS). It is a comprehensive and easy-to-use guide to resources in New Hampshire’s System of Care (SoC) for children. The CBH Resource Center is intended to link children, youth, young adults, and caregivers that experience mental health or substance use concerns and the people who support them to high quality, proven practices.

Everything you need to know about MTSS-B in New Hampshire
MTSS-B Technical Assistance Center
NH’s MTSS-B framework is a comprehensive system of social, emotional, and behavioral supports to promote student wellness and improve engagement in learning. Based on the Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF), MTSS-B blends research-based school mental health practices and social-emotional learning with a tiered prevention framework.