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What is CSoC?

Improving the behavioral and mental health of NH children, youth and families through a network of resources and support.

CSOC members at fisher cats square

Story and History

The New Hampshire Children’s System of Care (CSoC) began as a joint initiative between the Endowment for Health and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. This partnership, known as the Children’s Behavioral Health Collaborative (CBHC), set out to assess and address the strengths and challenges of meeting the behavioral health needs of children and youth in New Hampshire.

In order to achieve this mission, the CBHC sought to implement a system of care model in NH by developing and maintaining an integrated and comprehensive service delivery system for children and youth with behavioral health needs. The model, called Collective Impact, requires a coalition with a common vision, continuous communications, shared activities, and a host organization to serve as the glue.

With these components in place, CSoC has been able to cut across sectors, professional groups and funding silos to improve the behavioral health of children, youth and their families in the Granite State.

FAST Forward / NH Wraparound

Families and Systems Together (FAST) Forward is New Hampshire’s version of a proven family-centered planning and care coordination process to support children and youth aged 5-21 with mental health or substance use concerns. FAST Forward is for families that have tried less intensive treatments or have complex situations requiring them to be involved in more than one “system” (such as special education, mental health, child protection, and juvenile justice). Wraparound helps the family and youth identify their strengths and needs. Then it brings together a team of helpers (including other family members and service providers) to support the family’s plan so the child can remain at home. FAST Forward was established in New Hampshire in 2012 and has helped hundreds of families support their children or youth.

Core Values

  1. Family and youth-driven
  2. Community-based
  3. Culturally and linguistically competent
  4. Trauma-informed

Timeline of CSoC growth

Nov 2010

Formation of the Children’s Behavioral Health Collaborative (CBHC)

  • The CBHC is formed as a joint initiative of the Endowment for Health and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.
Mar 2013

Development of a Plan

Selection of Host Non-Profit

  • The CBHC implements a Collective Impact model and names New Futures as the host organization for ongoing efforts.
May 2016

Senate Bill 534 (now RSA 135-F)

  • SB 534, a major policy initiative of the CBHC, passes and requires the State to develop and maintain an integrated and comprehensive service delivery system for children with behavioral health needs, also known as the System of Care approach.
Jan 2017

A System of Care Approach

  • This first annual report is published by the CBHC and examines the System of Care model, a behavioral health care approach that relies on a coordinated network of effective community-based services and supports with a broad array of individualized services which help children and youth to function better at home, in school, in the community, and throughout life
Jan 2018

Incremental Progress on Children’s’ Mental Health System

Jul 2018

NH Division for Children, Youth, and Families Adequacy and Enhancement Assessment

Jan 2019

State's 10-year Mental Health Plan

June 2019

Senate Bill 14

  • Further expands the System of Care and connects to other child-serving systems and establish CSoC Advisory Council
  • Adds the fourth core value of “Trauma-Informed”
Nov 2020

Ongoing Assessment of a System of Care for Children’s Behavioral Health in New Hampshire

Aug 2021

NH MTSS-B Advisory Committee

  • As a subcommittee to the NH CSoC, the state-level advisory committee seeks to inform and drive NH’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Behavioral Health and Wellness (MTSS-B) forward as part of the children’s system of care throughout the state
Oct 2021

NH MTSS-B Technical Assistance Center is Established

  • To expand capacity for NH’s MTSS-B, partnerships with NH DOE, NH DHHS and the Behavioral Health Improvement Institute at Keene State College leads to the development of the NH MTSS-B Technical Assistance Center

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