Connecting families and youth with the best support services in New Hampshire can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be done alone. CSoC has compiled the following list of resources for professionals and practitioners helping youth in the Granite State.
Everything you need to know about MTSS-B in New Hampshire
MTSS-B Technical Assistance Center
NH’s MTSS-B framework is a comprehensive system of social, emotional, and behavioral supports to promote student wellness and improve engagement in learning. Based on the Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF), MTSS-B blends research-based school mental health practices and social-emotional learning with a tiered prevention framework.
Training resources for providers
CSOC Technical Assistance Center for Providers
The Institute on Disability (IOD) provides evidence-based, expert professional development and technical assistance in New Hampshire and nationally. The IOD offers both single and multi-day seminars and workshops as well as customized, on-site support for educators, students with disabilities, their families, and community teams.
Connect with resources that help families and youth
Help for Families
The NH CSoC has assembled a list of ways to get help in NH with topics ranging from pandemic mental health and special education to art therapy, counseling services for youth and more. In addition to consulting with insurance providers, you can use this helpful list to contact specific resources to confirm your eligibility for their support and services.