Now accepting submissions for the 2025 Magnify Voices Expressive Art Contest (deadline: April 20th). Details here.

August 1 @ 9am | Session Four: Students – Preventing Targeted Violence and Terrorism in Schools: Identifying and Responding to Behavioral Changes in Individuals

The DHS Center For Prevention Programs and Partnerships “Community Awareness Briefing” (CAB) is designed to raise community awareness and empower individuals with the information needed to successfully prevent targeted violence and terrorism. Family, friends, and colleagues are often the first ones to see behavioral changes in individuals. Equipped with the knowledge of what to look for and where to find assistance through effective whole of society/public health prevention and intervention strategies, a community’s ability to protect themselves and their loved ones is greatly increased.

The 90 minute FREE Zoom  training session focuses on behavioral changes that schools staff, community members and families could expect to see in students prior to participating in acts of targeted violence.  At the end of the didactic, a case study is presented for discussion.